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Events are used to trigger actions when something happens (e.g. player joined, server is shutting down, etc.)

The default C# events used with old RocketMod 4 were very limited. It was not possible to have prioritized events. The new API allows controlling lifespan and execution order of events.

Listening for events

To listen to events, you will have to create a class which implements IEventListener<YourTargetEvent>. Don't forget to add [EventHandler] attribute to your method to set various options like priority.

You have to register your event listener with EventBus.AddEventListener(YourPlugin, YourIListener) on plugin load to register your events.

Example listener class

public class MyEventListener : IEventListener<PlayerConnectedEvent>, IEventListener<PlayerChatEvent>
    private IChatManager chatManager;
    public MyEventListener(IChatManager chatManager)
        this.chatManager = chatManager;

    public async Task HandleEvent(IEventEmitter emitter, PlayerConnectedEvent @event)
        await chatManager.BroadcastAsync(@event.Player.Name + " joined");

    public async Task HandleEvent(IEventEmitter emitter, PlayerChatEvent @event)
            @event.IsCancelled = true;

    public bool ContainsBadWord(string message)
            => return message.Contains("Trojaner");

public class MyPluginMain : Plugin
    private readonly IChatManager chatManager;
    private readonly IEventBus eventBus;

    public MyPluginMain(IDependencyContainer container, IChatManager chatManager, IEventBus eventBus) : base("MyPlugin", container)
        this.chatManager = chatManager;
        this.eventBus = eventBus;

    protected override async Task OnActivate(bool isFromReload)
        eventBus.AddEventListener(this, new MyEventListener(chatManager));


Execution order of events is like this:

Lowest -> Low -> Normal -> High -> Highest -> Monitor.

You should only use monitor when it does not impact anything, for example when you use it purely for logging purposes.

Event priorities and cancellation

EventHandlers can have priorities by using [EventHandler(Priority = EventPriority.X)].

The method with Lowest will be executed first, and Monitor will be executed last. Monitor should be only be used by listener which do not do any changes. If any event listener decides to cancel the event before your event listener is called, your listener will not be called. You can use [EventHandler(IgnoreCancelled = true)] to receive cancelled events. This also allows you to un-cancel events by setting Event.IsCancelled to false.

Creating custom events (e.g. for other plugins)

Create a new class which extends Rocket.API.Eventing.Event. If you want to have it cancellable, add ICancellableEvent to it.

public class MyEvent: Event, ICancellableEvent
        public string SomeData { get; set; }

        public MyEvent() : this(true)


        public MyEvent(bool global = true) : base(global)

        public MyEvent(EventExecutionTargetContext executionTarget = EventExecutionTargetContext.Sync, bool global = true) : base(executionTarget, global)

        public MyEvent(string name = null, EventExecutionTargetContext executionTarget = EventExecutionTargetContext.Sync, bool global = true) : base(name, executionTarget, global)

        public bool IsCancelled { get; set; }

You can trigger and handle your custom events like this:

MyEvent @event = new MyEvent();
@event.SomeData = data; 
eventBus.Emit(plugin, @event, callback: (e) => {
       //event has finished and all listeners were called

       if(@event.IsCancelled) //if your event extends ICancellableEvent

       // do something with @event.SomeData        
}); // plugins listening to events can change "SomeData"