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Configurations are used to read, write and store variables. This allows an user to configure your plugin.

using Rocket.Core.Plugins;

namespace SamplePlugin
    // 'Config' can be the name of any class you want be it PluginConfig or Configuration.
    public class MyPluginMain: Plugin <Config>
        public MyPluginMain(IDependencyContainer container) : base ("MyPlugin", container)


    // Doesn't need to inherit from anything. Simply add in any variables you need for your config in this class.
    // The assigned vlaues will act as defaults
    public class Config
        public string WelcomeMsg { get; set; } = "MyWelcomeMsg";
        [ConfigArray (ElementName = "Class")]
        public ConfigClass [] Classes { get; set; } = new ConfigClass []
            new ConfigClass ()
                Id = 32,
                Amount = 2

    public class ConfigClass
        public int Id { get; set; };
        public int Amount { get; set; };

Reading from Configuration

To use the values from the configuration you can use the following code

string myMsg = ConfigurationInstance.WelcomeMsg;

Saving Configuration

To save the config, you can use the following method:

await Configuration.SaveAsync();

Creating Multiple Configurations

using Rocket.Core.Plugins;
using Rocket.Core.Configuration;

namespace SamplePlugin
    // 'ConfigOne' will act as the base configuration and use ConfigurationInstance to read values
    public class MyPluginMain : Plugin <ConfigOne>
        private IConfiguration config;
        private ConfigTwo configTwo;

        public MyPluginMain (IDependencyContainer container, IConfiguration config) : base ("MyPlugin", container)
            this.config = config;

        protected override async Task OnActivate(bool isFromReload)
            // Initiate second config
            ConfigurationContext ctx = new ConfigurationContext ("FileName");
            await config.LoadAsync(ctx, new ConfigTwo ());

            // Load from file
            configTwo = config.Get<ConfigTwo> ();

            // Save to file
            config.Set (configTwo);
            await config.SaveAsync();

    // Doesn't need to inherit from anything. Simply add in any variables you need for your config in this class.
    // The assigned vlaues will act as defaults
    public class ConfigOne
        public string MyWelcomeMsg { get; set; } = "MyWelcomeMsg";
        [ConfigArray (ElementName = "Class")]
        public ConfigClass [] Classes { get; set; } = new ConfigClass []
            new ConfigClass ()
                Id = 32,
                Amount = 2

    public class ConfigClass
        public int Id { get; set; };
        public int Amount { get; set; };

    public class ConfigTwo
        public string SampleVariable { get; set; }